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LinkedIn Ads Bottom of Funnel Leads

It is pretty well known LinkedIn Ads are a great way to create top-of-the-funnel B2B leads. Today, we’re going to be talking about using LinkedIn Ads for the bottom of the funnel B2B leads. First, we’re going to review exactly what the bottom of the funnel...

LinkedIn Ads Basics #2

Gated content versus ungated content. Gated content is any content that is behind a form field that a prospect must fill out in order to acquire the information. LinkedIn reports 40% of tech buyers are less likely to consider a vendor that gates their first piece of...
LinkedIn Ads Basics

LinkedIn Ads Basics

LinkedIn Ads Terms First, we will run through some basic LinkedIn Ads terms. When we talk about leads and we talk about the cost per lead or a CPL that really is the amount of money, we’re spending to acquire one lead. MQL is what is considered a marketing...
LinkedIn Ads Need Great Content

LinkedIn Ads Need Great Content

Looking for LinkedIn Ads management. Slow down. Before you engage with a LinkedIn Ads management agency, you should first make sure you have a good strategy for creating content. The easiest and most effective way to get new leads from LinkedIn Ads by taking advantage...